
Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 31st (Looking Back) - an end of the year poem/a New Year's poem

December 31st (Looking Back)
Greg Pincus

The year’s near done. Let’s review:
Resolutions? Kept a few.
Top 10 goals? I reached two.
School and chores? At least they’re through.
Learned to drum. Tried kung fu.
Wrote and sang and read and drew.
Food I’ve tried? A list that grew!
Had a crush, but won’t say who.
Played with friends (including you).
Failed a lot as this year flew.
Tonight one year will say “adieu.”
Tomorrow, we can start anew...
But looking back, this much is true:
I tried my best, and that'll do.

Thanks to all of you for being part of the year here at GottaBook. I wish you all a new year filled with health, joy, and juuuust enough of the dessert of your choice.

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  1. Very nice ending! What more can you ask than trying your best?
    Happy New Year, Greg!

  2. What a nice poem. I always told my daughter to try her best when she was tackling new things. I think I will send it to her, I know she will appreciate it.

    Happy New Year to you and thank you for all the wonderful poems that you have shared.

  3. Thanks for all. Your great poems, each a gem! You add laughter to my days often!

  4. Lovely poem.

    Happy New Year!
