
Saturday, April 16, 2011

James Carter - Go Poem

go, poem
James Carter

There, little poem.
You’re finished at last.
From weeks of tweaking
you’ve finally passed.

You’re ready for roaming,
to find your own page,
and maybe a voice
to give you a stage.

You’re out of my system,
my pen and my brain.
Let’s hope you’ll be read
again and again.

And so, as your author,
it’s me, signing off.
The pleasure’s been mine.
Go poem, find love…

(from James’ forthcoming collection ‘Journey to the Centre of my Brain!’ Macmillan January 2012)

© James Carter. All rights reserved.

OK, so, who wants to join me on a journey to the center of James Carter's brain? I think it'd be fun to be in there and peer out since I love the way he sees the world. Of course, we're getting to experience that perspective already, thanks to today's poem which, just like last time he was here, shows a wonderfully deft touch and captures me totally.

I have to say that I'm sad that in the year since he was last here, I didn't figure out some way to see him in action in a school setting. I love watching poets with kids in general, but add in that he's a guitar player, too, and... well... I figure we just have to get him to the States and near me. Right? Good. Until then, though, it's my pleasure to have James Carter here as part of 30 Poets/30 Days.

Arnold Adoff was up last with orien berg strasse. Tomorrow we start off with Joyce Sidman and Mudbath, Interrupted! For more information on 30 Poets/30 Days and how to follow along, please click here.


  1. I too would love to see him perform his work. A tight poem about letting go. Bravo!

  2. I always feel like that when I finish a manuscript - "well, all right then, it's been fun, out you go..."

  3. I love reading poems and there was a time when I wrote some too.
    Congratulations on yours!
    I read it in my Buenos Aires apartments.
