
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Arnold Adoff - orien berg strasse

orien berg strasse
Arnold Adoff

©2011 Arnold Adoff. All rights reserved.

To preserve the look of the poem, I have posted it as an image file. If you click on it, you'll see it even bigger. Also, if you subscribe to the blog and for some reason don't see the poem, come on by the blog and see it in person!

Arnold Adoff uses everything - words, sounds, shape, form, and more - to create remarkable poetry. If this and his prior example here don't convince you, then you need to go pick up his book Roots and Blues: A Celebration which came out earlier this year.

In fact, fellow poet and blogger Kelly Fineman has a full post on the book with a few small samples to whet your appetite. It's a great example of how subject, form, and his approach mix together to create something incredibly vibrant and unique... and just one more reason I'm thrilled to have Arnold Adoff here at 30 Poets/30 Days.

We just had Heidi Mordhorst here with The Playroom Floor Writes a Novel. Next up... James Carter with go, poem! For more information on 30 Poets/30 Days and how to follow along, please click here.


  1. Wow. Just... Wow. "handinhand" - I'll be thinking about that, and this whole poem, for the rest of the day.
    Thank you Arnold, so much. And thanks Greg, for making this sharing of poetry happen. This one ROCKED my world.

  2. Fantastic poem! It's so exciting to see someone push the edges and expand the possibilities. I do think there is something almost physically musical about this piece on the page. Very much enjoyed - thanks.

  3. That is such an unique and beautiful poem - really, truly enjoyed it.

  4. I performed 2 of his poems during my stint with "Poetry Alive" and what I found is once you start acting out Adoff's words the audience is transfixed, much like I was reading this new poem. I loves me some Arnold!!!

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