
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Charles Waters - I Wear Mommy's Dress

I Wear Mommy's Dress
Charles Waters

I wear Mommy’s dress,
I wear Mommy’s heels,
I wear Mommy’s hats
To feel how Mommy feels …

I wear Mommy’s rings,
I wear Mommy’s purse,
I wear Mommy’s gloves,
I now feel even worse!

©2011 Charles Waters. All rights reserved.

When I read Charles Waters' poetry, I get the sense that he could put himself in any child's mind and give us their point of view. He captures moments and feelings (like he did last year here with I Love Being Me) that are so honest and real. It makes you think he's still a kid himself.

Charles has had a wonderfully busy poetic year (you can see details over at David L. Harrison's blog), and just this past week did his first one man show of his own poetry. The lucky students at Southwest Middle School saw Poetry Time with Uncle Charles... and they saw a natural performer with the voice, energy, and passion to make anyone a poetry lover. I've been so glad to see continuing success for him, and I'm so excited to have Charles Waters here today as part of 30 Poets/30 Days.

Yesterday we had On Monday I Feel Like a Dragon/El lunes me siento como un dragón by Francisco X. Alarcón. Next up, I Put Each Carrot In a Suit by Greg Pincus! For more information on 30 Poets/30 Days and how to follow along, please click here.


  1. I love what you said about how Charles gets in a kid's mind so easily--that's totally true and the hallmark of his poems, I think.

    Love the perfect afterbeat of Uncomfortable!

  2. Hahahahah! This unexpectedly made me chuckle out loud. For some reason, I thought the kid would just LOVE wearing Mommy's clothes. The word "Uncomfortable" is perfect.

    Mommy's probably not so hot on her own clothes, sometimes. And then she wears her sweats.

  3. There's no end to the creative imagination of Charles. Your description of Charles nails it on the head. His poetry is as honest as a child. The wackyness in his poetry is not forced. I am blessed to call him a friend. :)

  4. Oh, I remember seeing my mommy all dressed up and trying her things on. Sometimes I still do! Thank you, Charles, for another warm and honest poem. Our children would love you! A.

  5. Thank you for all the positive feedback! Greg, thanks for the return invite and Amy I would LOVE to meet your family someday!

  6. Charles,

    Enjoyed reading your poem! It reminded me of my childhood--except I used to dress up in my aunt's clothes. She used to give me her old prom gowns, high heels, etc.
