
Monday, January 10, 2011

Revisiting diversity this week on #kidlitchat

Last year, we had a great #kidlitchat about diversity in the children's lit world. This year, well, it's time to have another one. Let's see how we, collectively, have done as a business this year, looking at issues of diversity in gender, race, sexual orientation issues, and more... and where we should be going moving forward.

Please join us Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific on Twitter for #kidlitchat.

Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. Just this afternoon, I had even marked this on my mental calendar. But then my kids asked me to join in watching some Modern Family, and I was gone with nary a thought to higher twitter purposes. I'll be checking the transcript on this chat.
