
Friday, January 07, 2011

Poetry Re-Issue: Belly Button Blues - a belly button poem

Gregory K.

My belly center’s really bare:
My belly button isn’t there!
I got no innie, got no outie.
Every day it makes me pouty.

I wouldn’t mind a belly snap,
A zipper, hook, or belly flap.
Still, most of all, I’d like a button,
But sad to say, friend, I got nuttin’.

Earlier this week I was doing a school visit and had brought along my big 3-ring binder full of poetry for some show and tell. This poem fell out, and I took that to mean it wished to be seen again. I originally posted this here back in 2006... so my bet is that, as NBC (I think it was) used to say about reruns, "If you missed it, it's new to you!"

Irene Latham's hosting the first Poetry Friday Roundup of 2011. Head on over and see what's up in the blogosphere today.

And if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. i don't know why, but this one sort of freaks me out. in a good way. i think. have you read this to kids? what do they say?

  2. Greg, this one has a very Shel Silverstein vibe to it! Glad you re-issued. :)

  3. Too funny! I couldn't help wondering: is the narrator an alien?

  4. Great poem, dare I say I had a belly laugh? Also love that you have a tag for "body parts poem". I'm about click that and read the whole collection.

  5. David - kids tend to laugh... then wonder just HOW you could end up with no belly button. (And Carmela, they often ask that same question!).

    Enjoy the tag, Jim. I have no idea what else is linked to it. I think I'll click it, too!

  6. My two year old would love this. I'll have to read it to her later. Thanks for posting it!

  7. Great poem, it brought a smile on an otherwise not very good day. Thanks for the uplift.

  8. I enjoyed meeting you at LA Nationals, Greg! Nice to see you here!

    Would love to have you as a Guest Blogger over at the Word Playground :) Let me know!

    Lynne Marie

  9. Anonymous1:40 PM

    This one is a lot of fun, Greg. I wonder if kids ask you if YOU have a belly button when you read it? :)

  10. lol! So great! What a lot of fun. It does remind me of Silverstein, just like an earlier poster said.

  11. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Thanks Greg, I needed a laugh. The word Belly Button DEFINITELY pops out @ you in the ol' Reader!

  12. Complete crack up. Thanks, Greg, for sharing with all of us!

  13. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Even I might remember this one, very funny.

  14. Hi, Greg--

    Hee. Let the "body parts" tag attach to a whole series of missing members poems?

  15. Belly Button. Belly Button. Belly Button. It's making me giggle just to say those words!

    (word verification: Funing!!!)

  16. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Man oh man, it has been too long since visiting here. Lol on the poem! I've added you to the agenda for my kids book club meeting next week. I shall share.."Belly Button Blues."

    Thanks, Greg!

  17. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Gads, just realized I can't find my's lost in the post Christmas "pay for all you ate" zone.

  18. I had a belly button once. Then I had two little one's and there were issues. Funny poem though. Both of my boys loved it.

  19. Great poem! Really cute. It's good to re-visit old material every now and then, it's like discovering a new gem!

  20. I have a student who would immediately refer you to the TV show, Kyle XY (one of his favorites). Very fun! And yes, a touch of Shel.

  21. What a fun poem! Thanks for re-posting it.
