
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

A Guest Post and the Comment Challenge (and They Tie In!)

I'm pleased to send you over to Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Market editor Alice Pope's CWIM blog where I have a guest post up today. It's about finding your target audience online, with a particular bent for YA authors.

I also am excited about Mother Reader and Lee Wind launching the second (annual?!) Comment Challenge, to begin this Friday and running 21 days. If you click on either of their names in the last sentence, you'll see their posts explaining the challenge. The short gist is - LEAVE COMMENTS!

Some folks ask why comment? There are reasons given in both Lee and MR's posts, but I also wanted to note that my guest post at Alice's blog came about because she saw a comment of mine on another blog. Yup, not even her own. So now here I am featured at a high profile, well respected blog because I was out there participating in the conversations already going on. Not why I leave comments, but I'm just saying....


  1. Not so ironically, I found, and am now following, YOUR blog after reading your post at Alice's blog.

    ...and I'm leaving a comment in honor of Lee and Mother Reader.

  2. i love comment challenge month! love finding new blogs :)

  3. What a terrific example of the benefits of commenting on other peoples' blogs!

  4. Gregory--

    Just stopping by to wish you Happy New Year! The Cybils Poetry Panel sent along five excellent poetry book finalists to us Round II Judges. I thought 2009 was a fine year for children's poetry.

  5. In some ways facebook has supplanted some of our commenting but I am finding that this challenge is reinvigorating my blogging spirits.
