
Friday, January 08, 2010

The End of a Perfect Day in the Snow - a snow play poem/a winter poem

The End of a Perfect Day in the Snow
Gregory K.

Icy toes.
Bright red nose.
Got 10 fingers -
Can't feel those.
Frozen hair.
I don't care!
What? Hot chocolate?
Be right there!

Tricia has the Poetry Friday roundup this week over at The Miss Rumphius Effect. Go on over and get tons of poetry, including one hand-picked for January, National Puzzle Month(!!!).

And if you want to get all my poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Got ten fingers, Can't feel those" What a great line! That's me in this cold month of January. Thank you, your poem came at a perfect time as I am enjoying our first snow day in this school year!

  2. Delicious poem, Greg! I'm heading downstairs for some Ovaltine. ;-)

  3. This poem is just right for the boys in my house. They are going to love it!! Thanks!

  4. Perfect poem for today! SNOW DAY in Central Ohio!!

    (word verification: reces, which is what it will be all day today for me and my students. They'll be in the snow and I'll be cozy inside!!)

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Fun poem, Greg, and fitting for us readers here in New England! Thanks for sharing it.

  6. Fun poem, Greg. Makes me actually want snow... (instead of all this *cold*.)

  7. We have our bone chilling snow out here in CO, and I definitely can relate. So can my kids, especially the hot chocolate part!

  8. You had me a "frozen hair." Will read this one to my son when he gets home!

  9. Love the frozen hair, and "can't feel those." Of course the hot chocolate totally cinched it for me :).

  10. Nice sensory images. I'm heading to the beach now for summer surf on the sand. Gotta love this hemisphere.

  11. "Can't feel those..." Best line ever for a snowy day, Greg!

  12. You've really captured a feeling here, Greg. I love it!

  13. Terrific poem, Greg. Fits us here in Illinois, too!

  14. Delightful, Greg. Makes me miss East Coast winters! (In a theoretical sort of way. It was awfully nice to be digging in my garden in short sleeves this afternoon.) :)

  15. This is great, Greg! My 2 1/2 year old daughter has been walking around today saying, "What? Hot Chocolate? Be right there!"

  16. Even down here on the Gulf Coast of Texas we are feeling the freeze. Love this!

  17. Hi Greg! Love the poem! Makes me wish it were colder here in California.

  18. Wow... thank you all for the comments! I may be a Californian now, but I did grow up a sledding fiend. I like to think that's why I like hot chocolate so much... but since I drink it no matter the weather, it's only a theory :-)

  19. Love this poem! I just came home from driving and walking in the snowstorm that we're having right now in Maryland, and clicked through to your poem from the Carnival of Children's Lit. What a perfect poem for today! Think I'll go get some hot chocolate now!
