
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Webinar Reminder

Tomorrow (Thursday) is part three in the Social Media and the Book Industry series that Mark Blevis and I are doing. This one is all about engaging with social media communities. It's at noon Eastern/9 AM Pacific.

You can get all the information about the series here.

Or you can just click on this registration link.

Hope to "see" you there!


  1. Hi Greg! Nice "seeing" you at the social media webinar today (9/24). You and Mark Blevis are a great team. Love your visuals, information and friendly approach. Looking forward to next week's webinar (oh no! it will be the last in this series! You'll have to brainstorm more topics . . .)

  2. Thanks, Alexis! Nice "seeing" you there, too, and the feedback is much appreciated (and enjoyed because it's positive... but would be appreciated no matter what!).

    More topics you say? Well, I don't know when/if there will be more for sure, but I do know we are always collecting topics!

  3. Alexis... thanks for the great feedback and for being a part of the series. It's a lot of fun and, judging by the feedback and questions we're receiving, long overdue for the book industry.

    "See" you next week.
