
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Issues. There are issues.

Yes, it's true - there are issues in the world, and those of us who write for children are faced with wondering how (or sometimes if) we should address them. And which issues, as you can't address them all.

Luckily, many smart minds think about this... and I can link you into a couple conversations with the idea that maybe you'll add your voice, too. Or at least enjoy the thinking!

To start with, over at Chasing Ray, Collen has put up part 7 of her What a Girl Wants series. This post is called Because We Are Not All Rich Girls. It's thought provoking and full of great comments already.

Over at author Mitali Perkin's blog, she approaches a related issue in a post about Consumerism and the YA Novel. Mitali's blog is full or wonderful posts about many topics, by the way, including many about race and culture and writing.

Banned Book Week beings on Saturday... and recently, New York Times bestselling YA author Ellen Hopkins found her books pulled from a school and her school visit canceled. You can read about the situation on her blog, starting here. In a touch of irony, Ellen had penned a poem for Banned Book Week called Manifesto.

There are so many more issues out there we should all be thinking about... and I hope one of these three resonates enough with you to get you to share your thoughts, too.


  1. Thanks Greg...this helped me inspired me to add activist sites to my links page.

    And once again I forgot to attend the webinaire. Oy vey and rats. Guess I'll have to catch up all by myself.


  2. Upstairs at Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena, they have an entire wall of banned books, and under each is an explanation of just where and when the book was banned, and what the justification was. It's a display worth visiting, and many are children's books.
