
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Webcast Reminder and a Possibly Useful Link

I wanted to plug the (freeeeee) webcasts I'm doing with Mark Blevis (of Just One More Book and much more) since the next one is tomorrow (noon Eastern/9 AM Pacific). This webcast is all about Twitter and the book industry... and I hope folks will find it useful.

Here's the link to all the information about the series and the way to register.

I also went to send you off to an interesting article at Mashable called HOW TO: Write a Novel Using the Web. There are some great resources within the article that I think are useful whether you use them as part of a bigger "write using the web" strategy or not!

What do you think? Any of the links in that article seem helpful to you?


  1. Thanks for sharing the link, Greg. I did find the article about Writing a Novel on the Web useful, especially the organization tools mentioned. I also enjoyed reading the comments, which include a link to a site called Write or Die that uses "negative reinforcement" to prod people to write. See:

  2. I liked the organization tools, too. And Write or Die has always made me smile. I mean, how can you not like a site named ""?

    Whatever works, I always say!
