
Monday, September 14, 2009

The 3rd Kidlitosphere Conference - You Really Should Go

The 3rd Kidlitosphere Conference is fast approaching - it's October 17th in Washington D.C., and you can check the information about it here. The reduced hotel rate at the Sheraton ends on Wednesday (NOTE: it's been extended!), so now is really the time to make your reservations. And why should you go?

Because, if you are someone who blogs about children's literature, be you author, illustrator, editor, agent, librarian, parent, reviewer, fan, or whomever, you will be among your people - learning more than you expect, creating and cementing friendships and relationships that (at least for me) enrich life, and understanding how we collectively and individually can help ourselves and children's literature via what we do online. Plus there'll probably be cookies!

Not enough? Why not read what Betsy (aka Fuse#8), Jen, Colleen, Sarah, Pam (aka MotherReader), Jules and Eisha and Lee Wind have to say about the Conference (and why you should go).


  1. I wish you would reschedule the conference so I can go too. This was on the list of things to go to and it's close to NYC. I have another commitment at the Rutger's conference on the same day. :(

    Have fun and blog about it :)

  2. Yeah, the Rugers timing is unfortunate, and there's a regional SCBWI event elsewhere, but no weekend would be perfect. Pity, though, as it would be great to see you....

    And I will blog about it!
