
Friday, September 04, 2009

Poetry and Fires

It has been a smoky, hot week here in Los Angeles. I'm lucky not to be affected directly by the flames, though thinking of all the folks I know (and all the people I don't know) who have been impacted still takes up mental space. Ash, unfortunately, takes up lung space, too.

I mention this here on Poetry Friday because I want to send you off GottaBook to read my friend Sara Wilson Etienne's blog entry No One May Ever Have the Same Knowledge Again.

To me, her piece is poetic, in the best sense of the word (a sentiment I see is echoed in the comments there!), even though it's prose. As a bonus,it also talks about one of my favorite, quirky places in Los Angeles: the Museum of Jurassic Technology! I think you'll enjoy the post, so I hope you'll go check it out.

Afterwards, why not head over to Kelly Herold's Crossover blog and check out the Poetry Friday roundup? You might even want to take a gander at all the posts. After all, no one may ever have the same post list again....


  1. Anonymous6:08 AM

    What a remarkable post Sara put up. And what a remarkable place the Museum of Jurassic History sounds to be. I hope there's an end to the fires very soon. How awful.

  2. Yeah, Sara's piece is beautiful!
    Thanks for letting people know about it,
