
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Announcing a Free Web Series on Social Media and the Book Industry

I am excited to tell you about a series of free webcasts that Mark Blevis and I will be offering come September.

The series is called How social media can help you sell books: Guidance for the book publishing industry and its stakeholders.

I like Mark's description of what we're offering: a series of FREE webcasts that will give book publishers, publicists, authors, illustrators and enthusiasts social media savvy for outreach and promotion.

In short, each installment will have a different focus and seek to answer the question "Yeah, but how does this help me sell books?"

Here's a brief rundown of the four sessions (with a handy link so you can register now):

September 10 – Finding the Conversation: Who’s talking about you and what they're saying

Understanding search and alerts to monitor the digital conversation. This session will focus on effective use of Google with references to Technorati, Twitter and IceRocket... and, yes, talking about how this can help you sell books.

September 17 – Twitter: More than “What are you doing?”

Exploring why to use Twitter, how to engage and craft your message, how to use hash tags plus a few "aha!" Twitter stories.

September 24 – Bloggers/Podcasters are People, Too: Engaging with the social media community

Ideas and recommendations for meeting, relating to and collaborating with the social media community.

October 1 – Remarkable Uses of the Internet to Promote Books (and the People Behind Them)

Interesting and successful examples of effective book promotion in the digital age.

You can click here to register for the free sessions. And I hope to "see" you there!


  1. Looks fantastic! I just registered. Could you explain to me where I "go" on Sept 10 to participate, or will more info come to me via Email?

  2. I'm with Caroline - I don't know how to do this. I've never done a webcast - if I can't be there "live" can I still access it later?

  3. Was excited to hear about this on the Tenners, but when I went to register, it looked like the event had been cancelled. Any updates? Thanks!

  4. Caroline and Lori - I see now that my comments back to you have never posted. I feel... uh... not so clever!

    Once you register, emails are sent explaining everything. It's pretty simple on the day of.

    Jessica - definitely not cancelled. I had failed to update a link up above, so you probably clicked on something that only let you register for the first, now past, webcast.

    Here is the registration link!
