
Monday, April 06, 2009

Rolling, rolling, rolling!

The poetry is rolling along (in fact, there's a poem right below this post, so either scroll down to see it, or click here to see Jaime Adoff's Rock n Roll Dad!), and I can safely say I'm having a blast. Tricia's Poetry Makers series and Sylvia's reviews are fantastic, and there's so much more going on in the Kidlitosphere, too (like Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast's great Douglas Florian post today).

Today was also the online launch party for Laura Purdie Salas' new book, Stampede: Poems to Celebrate the Wild Side of School. Celebrating a new book of poetry is ALWAYS in style, April or not. The party's done, but stop by her blog and wish her well.

Not related to poetry, but well worth celebrating, is Fuse #8, Betsy Bird, doing her Happy Dance. Okay, and the reason WHY she dances -- she sold two picture books! She is brilliant, funny, and nice, to boot, and I'm thrilled for her (and for the kids who'll read her).

An overdue hat tip to School Library Journal and Rocco Staino for their 30 Poets/30 Days article in the Extra Helping newsletter that helped kick us off in style. And to all the other bloggers, librarians, and schools that are helping spread the word... thanks! (Extra applause for the largehearted boy blog for putting poetry for children right in there with Springsteen, U2, and a zombie book giveaway!)

Marilyn Singer's In the Museum is up soon... but now I gotta book!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention of Stampede! Now that I've survived the launch party, I can start getting caught up on all the fantastic poetry blogging going on, including yours. Loved having Marilyn Singer's dinosaur poem in my mailbox, and am totally enjoying that daily poetry jumpstart!
