
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Inkheart, the movie. Seen with my own eyes, I tell ya!

One of the advantages of living in Los Angeles is that every now and then you get to see a movie first... or at least early. So this morning, I got to see Inkheart, based on Cornelia Funke's book of the same name. I'm not a reviewer nor will this be a review, but I will say that more important than my reactions (which were positive, by the way) is that everyone in the target age range seemed to be loving it.

What was particularly fascinating to me was seeing a movie that's all about books and words and writing. There were certainly things that the writer-me laughed at that flew over the heads of... well... perhaps everyone who isn't a writer. But beyond that, the movie is steeped in book references and images and that alone is worthy of celebration, seems to me.


  1. Very glad to hear an early positive response to the movie, Greg! And envious ... definitely envious.

  2. Nice! Since my wife works for movie advertising, we do get a few of these perks. A lot more than I ever got as an average Jane.

    So good to hear it's a positive reaction from you. I liked the book except for my one gripe - too heavy handed foreshadowing. But I'm not sure if that's just me who is getting much better at figuring out what will happen next or the writer's foreshadowing skills.

    Definitely a movie I want to see.

  3. I'm in Miami right now, but Hubby and Son were at the movie theater this morning, too!

  4. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Hooray! I was hoping that this movie would be watchable, because I like the book and I also like Brendan Frasier.

    Thanks for the not-review, Greg!

  5. I didn't realize Inkheart was going to be a movie (I've got to get out more!). I very much enjoyed the book and will be curious how it translates to the screen. And now I'll be looking for all the writer-references that you alluded to!

  6. It musta been a bear to adapt, and you can see the struggle at times to keep all the characters' storylines serviced. But it is most certainly watchable and entertaining and according to my experts, true enough to the book so as not to disappoint the faithful.

  7. Cool! I look forward to seeing it. I also still have to read the book, which is a bit ridiculous, but there you go.
