
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Looking back, looking forward, just looking...

This year is almost gone (gone I tell ya, gone!), and frankly, I am okay with that. Not that it would matter much if I weren't, of course, as I understand that this changeover is inevitable. This year is ending with a flurry of travel, family, friends, and even of snow (though the latter was not right here in LA), though not a flurry of blog posts. I've also taken four full days off from checking my email, surfing the web, or any such net-based things until re-appearing here today. And guess what? I've lived to tell the tale! I think that's a valuable piece of news for me to carry into next year... though not one I plan to put to the test very often....


  1. This blog stuff is a hard habit to break, even for a brief vacation, isn't it???
    Hey Greg, here's to a productive and wonderful 2009!

  2. Taking a day off each week (usually Saturday) from turning on my computer is a great break for my brain (not that I always manage to take this weekly hiatus). Hard to believe that it wasn't that long ago when I didn't even own a computer.

    Thanks for keeping us entertained, informed, and thinking this past year, Greg, with your posts and poems.

    I hope this next year is an outstanding one for you, in countless ways.

  3. Anonymous11:53 PM

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