
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy, Happy, Merry, Merry

Yes, well, indeed -- it's Happy and Merry time of year, and I'm clearly blogging like I've been out hitting the eggnog every night. Or something like that. And it's gonna continue like that through the end of the week, at least, if not the whole darn year!

I wish all of you and yours a wonderful, peaceful holiday time, whatever holiday you celebrate (or not!). It's been a pleasure hanging out with y'all this year, and I look forward to the next year, as well.


  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Best wishes for the holidays and 2009, Gregory. May the Fibs be plentiful!

  2. Hope it's a wonderful time for you & your family, Greg! All merry whatsits and watch out ... that eggnog packs a mean punch. :)

  3. Anonymous2:58 AM

    On a merry note, I see that you're quoted briefly by Charles Galvin in the new Screenwriter's & Playwright's Market guidebook (on page 23). The book's editor, Chuck Sambuchino, and I appreciated your tip for aspiring scriptwriters. Happy holidays, Greg.
