
Monday, October 13, 2008

Blog the Vote.

At the Kidlit08 Conference in Portland, Colleen, Lee, and I hatched a plan:

On November 3rd, the Monday before election day, we're encouraging folks throughout the children's literature blogosphere (and because of interest already expressed, the broader lit blogosphere, too!) to blog about why voting matters to them. The post can be broad ("Voting is great because that's what makes democracy work!") or personal (here's a post by Little Willow that's a great example). The two things we ask are that it be positive and non-partisan. Instead of promoting or bashing a candidate or party, let's concentrate on one thing we should all agree on: getting out and voting.

Colleen will be putting up a master list of all the posts on Chasing Ray. She'll have the post up early enough (the 1st or 2nd) so that you can link to it when you blog on the 3rd. The instructions on what to do with your post are here on Colleen's original announcement... well worth a read. But in short, mail your link to Colleen or Lee or me. We'll be reading each post to make sure it's copacetic, pulling a great quote, then linking to you on the master list.

Questions? Check the links above or email any of us. And I hope you'll join us on November 3rd.


  1. Well said, Greg!

    Brief, to the point, and still passionate.

    I think I now know why you write poetry so well and I... don't.

    Thanks for getting the word out!

    This is good stuff,

  2. Sure, I'll blog the vote . . . I'll probably also either be twittering about election day or posting more that day, too. My library is a polling place, and 4 years ago we had one of the longest waits in the country at about 6 hours. I expect this year's day to be every bit as crazy! We're brainstorming ideas for how to make it more relaxed and how to really serve all those potential customers while they're waiting.
