
Sunday, October 12, 2008

And in the boxes o' surprise...

... weren't that many surprises, actually. Whenever, in the past, I've been lucky enough to unpack boxes of donations for my school library, there have been some remarkable finds. Mind you, remarkable can mean any number of things! This time there weren't that many treasures (though a copy of Little 1 by Paul and Ann Rand was sweeeeet), but there were a handful of interesting moments.

One box (and these were donations from many sources mixed together) had picture books written by Dolly Parton, Madonna, and James Carville in it. James Carville? I don't recall Mother Reader nailing this one in her Bloggers Against Celebrity Authors writings.

Regardless, books were sorted and alphabetized and admired... and library two is about to open for business. The shelves could certainly be fuller, but hey, we've only just begun! Thanks to all my readers who have donated, by the way. It really is true that neither of our libraries would be the same without you. Our students are exceedingly lucky that so many of you (and so many others, as well) are so generous.


  1. Hi Greg ... Can you tell me more? Somehow we missed your call asking for donations. We are always happy to make sure good books get to great kids.

  2. Hi, Terry. I'll follow up more in an email, but basically... I've spent the last three years building a school library with no budget. We're a charter school (public! 501c3!) and we've relied on ambitious, driven, often-begging parents like me to do a lot. In my case, it's library specific. We loooooooove donations (and now have kids from K through 5 and next year 6), and many of my blogging pals have given generously. Remarkable, really, and quite wonderful.
