
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ballonstof. And you?

One of the great joys of the 'net is that you just never know what might happen. Yet here in National Poetry Month I received in the mail the March issue of Ballonstof magazine. I'm sure many of you subscribe to it... or at least all of you who want to read the hot air ballooning magazine of the Netherlands. Anyway, for subscribers, there on page 27 you'll find my poem My Balloon (in English) over a lovely image of a hot air balloon floating off at sunset. And yes, my poem was found via a web search.

Now, I'd written the poem thinking of a child with a balloon on a string, but I will say that it works quite nicely this way, too. It's a gorgeous magazine... and it makes me wish I could read Dutch!


  1. This is a little different, but cool. I think something got lost in translation there, but what the heck!

  2. I dunno. It really seems to me to work well with the photo... though maybe it's just that the photo is gorgeous. It's true I don't think of losing a hot air balloon in the same way as a small helium balloon... but it's not like I have a lot of ballooning experience to draw from!
