
Friday, January 04, 2008

Friday and poetry, together again!

Here on the first Poetry Friday of 2008 (and go check out the roundup hosted over at A Year of Reading (where, I'd hope, they're all rested up to start a whole new year of reading), let me focus on some Fib action.

More specifically... the second edition of the fib review is up and available online! Poet/playwright/professor R. G. Rader is the editor (and mastermind) of the review, and a few GottaBook readers have ended up in those cyberpages. For you Fibbers out there, note that submissions can be sent in year-round. Because as we say around these parts, poetry isn't just for Fridays! (OK, fine... I don't think I've ever said that nor would anyone involved in Poetry Friday think that. But it sounded good!)


  1. An invitation to fib -- gotta love that!

  2. Okay, those fibs are deep. Did you notice how many were written by women? We need to get some more men writing this stuff.

  3. More fibby goodness than anyone can stand. Excellent. Thanks.

    Jules, 7-Imp

  4. It's true that there's nothing better than an invitation to fib... but that invitation is always active on this blog! And reviewing my own contributions to Fibbery... well... deepiosity is not required!
