
Monday, October 08, 2007

Visual proof

I know there are some people who there who think we bloggers make up everything we talk about, but here's visual proof that at least some of what we say is true.

Need more proof?

There. I hope you're satisfied.

Now do yourself a favor: don't just check out the pics (enjoyable to look at though all us bloggers all are) but go read Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast and listen well to Just One More Book. You'll be glad you did....


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Aw thanks, man. It was so fun to meet you . . .

  2. Hi Greg! It was great to see you and your stunning array of T-shirts -- and in Chicago for a change, instead of L.A.! Pics are up on my blog too. Cheers!

    PS -- I hope the hotdog was great!

  3. Hi Greg!

    I hope you managed to make it home and aren't still waiting for a cab! Seriously though, even though I've met you briefly once or twice before, it was nice getting to know you a little more this past weekend. I'm already looking forward to seeing you and others at the next SCBWI gathering as we all continue our plans to take over the world! (with art and writing, that is ;)

    All best,
    P.S. -Oh, and I posted some pics and ramblings on my blog about the conference if you're interested.

  4. Anonymous2:48 AM

    I am so glad hat we made the trip to Chicago. It was great to meet everyone and share in the passion of children's literature and online geekery.

    Thanks for plugging Just One More Book! and we'll see you in Portland.

    Mark (& Andrea)

  5. Good to know you're not still wandering the streets of Chicago. It was such fun meeting in person!

  6. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Hey, Greg. Like Jules said, it was totally fun to meet you, and to find out what the appendix is for.

    Still got your pigeon?

  7. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Hi Greg!
    It was fun to meet you- and you've given me new inspiration on what to title my posts from now on. The Spiderweb Chronicles. =)


  8. So glad we got a chance to talk. It was just great to meet you in person - and hey, you were even funny! Uh, Bonus!
