
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

More on the First Annual Kidlitosphere Conference

Normally, I like to digest experiences before I spew about them in public. Note to self: when said experience is with 60 other bloggers, and you read those other bloggers, you will find that they make all the good points you'd like to make... but faster than you and often with better writing. Sheesh, people! Cut a guy a break. Still...

My overwhelming reaction is one of satisfaction. I mean it -- this was fun. Folks were like I expected from "knowing" them via their blogs, but even nicer and more interesting. So, for example, rather than sipping my coffee at home and checking out A Year of Reading, I got to sip iced tea and have dinner with Mary Lee (AND get to meet a spouse in the process!). And it was fun and good.

As Laini Taylor said in her excellent writeup, it did feel like the start of something bigger. The collective/connective power of us online folk sure should be able to shine a brighter light on children's literature in general (as was done with the Cybils (whose creators Kelly and Anne were pleasures to hang with!)). This, I think, is a critical area to focus on and think about as we move forward.

I can't even start to list all the great write-ups out in the 'sphere about the event. At any of the blogs I link to above, you'll find more. If you look in the comments of the two posts below this, you'll see more folks to check out (and "Hi!" Mother Reader! And "Hi!" Jim. And Camille... and Sara... and...and and and!).

More on this soon, I'm sure, but now I gotta book!


  1. I am so happy I got a chance to visit with you. It was such a fun and interesting weekend.

    I will be checking in with you about your library in the months to come.

  2. Hey, Greg, I hope you could tell from my post that I DID learn something from you, and not just from your tee-shirts. (Look at me...I now know what narrowcasting is!!) I'm probably getting that all wrong, aren't I?

  3. Sara, I learned that too! Greg you were most informative. Now I know I should title my posts things like How to lose fifty pounds in one week or Elbow poem. You know, things lots of people will be searching for! ;)
    It was great meeting you, and I can't wait to learn what a Fibonacci poem is.

  4. Thanks for the props to me and the Mrs.! Seriously though, there certainly was that internal pressure to get a post up about the event ASAP, but it was from excitement about the great time I had and about wanting to post some of the fun pix for everyone to see. What a great bunch of folks, eh?!

    Be well,

  5. Sara, you narrowcast now?!

  6. Aw ... fun hanging with you too, Greg. And your extra cool t-shirts.
