
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Down and dirty and...

... dusty and busy reading. Cuz I've done did dove back into library duty today, pulling books from the big room to distribute to classrooms. We have a middle grade shortage that was unapparent last year (when we had precious few kids reading middle grade). Gonna have to work on that. And yes, I read a few books when I working. Wouldn't you?

I must admit, it was nice to have taken a few months off... but awfully nice to get back in there and dive into a huge old room of books. Remind me of that if I whine a few months from now!


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Did you actually say "if" you whine? Because it's so gonna happen, when all the books are everywhere and there's no help to put them back and, and, and . . .

    Shall I see what MG I have around here that we no longer want/need?

  2. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Hey, Greg. Send me an email; I have a few middle-grade novels around here that need homes.


  3. I too have a box of books for you, Greg. Also, I shot you an e-mail earlier this week. I dunno if you got it. It was about me, your Oddaptations, and my upcoming podcast. Shoot me an e-mail and we'll discuss.

  4. Yes, Kelly, Susan, and Fuse -- I'd be thrilled with MG coming my way! THANKS!
