
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A dessert update...

And you thought I wasn't serious about the Dessert Challenge, did you? Guess again! Why would I ignore the chance to taste desserts in the name of research? Exactly....

So far, it's true, sampling has been slight. And at the moment, I'm surprised to note that a plain old Oreo is very near the top of the (pretty short) list-since-post. I know some folks have texture problems with the Oreo... and others cannot divorce it from a glass of milk, but I'll tell you that in a head-to-head test with a black and white cookie, I had the Oreo winning by a length, and pulling away near the end.

I suspect the competition will get much harder. And I can't wait to find out....


  1. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Are you working through categories, cookies first? Or is it more of a catch-as-catch-can quest?

  2. Kelly, it's more the latter. Perhaps in your life pies and bread puddings and cakes appear with regularity, but in mine, sadly, they must be sought out. I would note that I have a lead on a pumpkin pie, but even so, there's no guarantee....

  3. No one's mentioned creme brulee yet? That's MY ultimate!

  4. My wife makes this cake, she calls it 'the better than sex cake.' Ohhhhhhh, it's so good, covered with whipped cream. That's all I gotta say.

  5. After reading Don's entry, I forgot what I was going to say.

  6. Hi Greg,

    I'm so glad to see that you're pursuing the challenge. Here's something I've recently discovered: Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream (and it's low-fat too, so I can eat it guilt-free, unless I eat the entire container--which I've managed not to do so far). It's soooo good!

    And if you're into chocolate, go to my April 30 post for the recipe for Molten Lava Cake. It's reallllly good too! There--that outta keep your lips smacking for a while ;-).
