
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Dessert? Did you say dessert?

So, over at Tina's blog, she has an interview with Ralph Nader. No, they're not talking politics -- he's got a book out for kids (and families) on traditions. Anyway, one question in the interview was "what's your favorite dessert." This, of course, got me thinking about my own favorite.

I couldn't answer! How can anyone? Do any of you have ONE dessert that so trumps the others that you just blurt it out?

Yeah, I know, not exactly kidbook related, but let's face it... dessert really is more important!


  1. chocolate bread pudding.
    Yup, that'd do it fer me.

  2. Anonymous8:55 AM


  3. See now, I like all those desserts, but I can't just pick one (though I'd lean towards chocolate bread pudding of those three). But how can they compare to Gentle Reader's pecan pie or the brioche bread pudding I once had or a perfectly tart/sweet apple pie or a decadent flourless chocolate cake, or....

  4. Greg, if you can't pick just one, then I think you haven't tasted them all. You need to make it your mission now, to find the ultimate, perfect, "this is THE one" dessert! Are you up for the task?
