
Monday, August 13, 2007

And they're back!

I know I get a lot of school related traffic here at GottaBook, and I can actually see from my sitemeter that schools are starting up again as the summer winds down. There are many clues, of course, but I think a search term such as...

"Poem about chocolate cake where line 2 rhymes with line 4 and line 6 rhymes with line 8 for class tomorrow"

... isn't just idle summer rumination and curiosity. I do wonder, though, who really thinks that kicker of "for class tomorrow" actually helps on Google? Still, it did lead me to a "post for today" so for that I'm grateful. I, too, am dealing with some back to school prep as I dig back into library duties, including transporting lots of new donations (thanks blogging pals!!!!) into the library and out of my office. Will be nice to see my floor again....


  1. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I love looking at what searches bring people to my site: some of them are just so odd. One of my favorite searches that leads someone to the site almost every day is some kind of search regarding the number of calories in fried dough.

  2. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Hey, Greg. I often see an uptick in traffic on Sunday nights--kids doing homework and teachers doing prep work.
