
Sunday, April 01, 2007

Happy Fibiversary, too.

I'd be remiss if I didn't note that today is the one year anniversary of my first post on Fibs (cleverly called, The Fib). So to me, April 1 is now no longer just April Fools' Day, the start of National Poetry Month, and the beginning of Math Awareness Month... it's a day for deep appreciation of the blogosphere and the power of 20 syllables.

Which doesn't mean I won't fill the sugar bowl with salt, mind ya!


  1. Gregory,

    Happy First Blog Birthday to you! Looks like I am just one blogging year younger than you. We'll celebrate our special day together next April 1st!

  2. Well, Elaine, I have you by 6 extra weeks plus that year. I started blogging last February. Today is merely the anniversary of my first public mention of Fibs -- a very different thing! Still, April 1 and National Poetry Month will always, I suspect, be a day we'll celebrate together regardless....

  3. Happy B-day to the fibs. Fibs are great, even if I couldn't get the hang of them.

    (I did that salt in the sugar bowl thing when I was 12. My parents made eggs. Sugar on the eggs. Then they did cereal. When salt went in the cheerios they were no longer amused.)

    Happy April!! I love April-June. My 3 favorite months. And this month, I cross over into middle age territory. April 13, I'll be the big 4-0. Believe it or not, I'm actually relieved. All pressure is off.

  4. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Oh, the Fibs. What fun they were--and are. I loved it lwhen everyone went Fib crazy last year.

  5. Happy Fibiversary to you!

    I wrote a Fib for my first poem of April! Love the form -- use it a lot! Chickadee Chatter

    I also put together a packet for my elementary school to celebrate that April is Math Month AND Poetry Month. The Fib is the perfect form for it!

    Thank you for promoting it!

  6. Happy Blogoversary as well. Of course, this could easily have been yet another April Fools Joke. After that Google piece on hooking Wi-Fi up via your toilet I'm just gonna be safe and not believe anything anymore.

  7. I fell in love with Fibs from the moment I read my first one last year and introduced them to my poetry group. I love to write them, they just feel right! (could be that built-in code)

    Happy Fibiversary!
