
Friday, January 05, 2007

After a long absence... a search Fib.

It’s been quite some time since I posted a search Fib. I know, I know – why break such a good streak? Well, because I continue to be amazed at the multitude of search engines out there, not to mention the oddball results they spew out. Besides, I propose turning line three of this Fib into my cyber-nickname.

K Blog
Clean my desk
Fib of conjunctions
How to write recursive functions

I wanted to turn the following search term into a Fib, but it really doesn’t work (again, I hear you. The above doesn’t work beyond syllable count either, but ya GottaHumor me! And luckily, it is Poetry Friday (links handily rounded up by Elaine at the Blue Rose Girls), so there’s lots of good stuff around if you need a poetic fix). Still, since I’m in a search-term-sharing mood….

r u tired of all those old friendship poems? well here is a poem that friends do like

Right on.

1 comment:

  1. Gregory,

    You're in the Poetry Friday roundup at Blue Rose Girls.
