
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Oh, really?

So, like many a blogger, I get some interesting e-mail sent my way. The most recent was also a first for me: a request to review a site on my blog. It's a shopping site, and there was even an offer of a gift certificate to use on the site (yes, before reviewing it and so I could review the entire process). Seems fair enough. No big deal, other than the fact that I don't review sites on this blog. But what makes this blogable to me is the fact that I was sent this email, it says, because the sender noticed my blog entry about The Polar Express. Yes... this is a Holiday shopping site I'm being asked about.

Again, a second time, the email says "Since you mentioned The Polar
Express, would you be interested in reviewing the website on your blog?"

They were nice enough to include a link to my Polar Express entry.

Here it is!

Now I ask you... would YOU want the author of that post reviewing your site????

I'm a big fan of reaching out to the blogosphere, but I gotta say I laughed pretty heartily. And no, I'm not reviewing the site... but I appreciate the smile.


  1. How much was the gift certificate for?

  2. It was $30, which is, as is well documented, more than I've made writing in some years. But I was more amused by the post they referenced than in any way dissing their request. I'd still make fun if there was another zero on there. Honest.

  3. Anonymous7:25 AM

    That's too funny.
