
Monday, December 18, 2006

A list -- gifts you'd get your favorite kidlit characters

All day today, I kept coming up with "fun" ideas for blog contests/lists -- best kidlit posts of the year OR every blogger nominate their own favorite post of the year (that one is easy for me!) OR name the holiday gift you'd get your fellow bloggers OR name who you'd like to see start blogging next year (Mo Willems is not longer a valid choice). In the end, I realized I didn't have the time or energy to do those, and instead would go with a list I've had brewing for awhile, but didn't have time to post earlier: gifts you'd get your favorite kidlit characters. These can be holiday gifts, of course, but there's no reason to limit yourself in any way. Here are a few ideas...

The Pigeon -- a ballpark dog with the works
The Baudelaire children -- a fortunate event
Charlotte -- a thesaurus
Charlie Bucket -- good dental insurance
Harold -- Crayola crayons (a 64 pack, at least)

Now, I've got a lot more, but 'tis the season for y'all (who aren't yet on vacation) to join in. The interesting thing on my list is how many characters I feel like EVERYONE would know, and how many would also need the name of their book(s) spelled out. OK, maybe that's not "interesting" but keep it in mind as you leave your comments. Cheap shots are certainly allowed ("I hope the Hardy Boys get a clue," for example), and heartfelt wishes, too. More later, but for now, I gotta book.


  1. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Ferdinand the Bull -- a Starbucks gift card

    Pooh -- beekeeping lessons

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Eloise -- a condo of her own

    Captain Underpants -- gift certificates to the Jockey store

    Junie B. Jones -- The Elements of Style

  3. Pat the Bunny -- Airborne (with so many kids touching him each holiday seaon, his immune system's gotta be working overtime)

    - Jay

  4. This is great, Greg, and so much more appealing than all those "best of" lists. I'll have to sleep on it (why oh why did I find this now, right before bed?!), so in the meantime, heartfelt wishes!

    Oh, I've linked to the post...

  5. Jo March - a publisher

    Emily (of New Moon) - a publisher

    Anne Shirley - a publisher + black hair and the name of her choice for a day

  6. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Harriet M. Welsh- a cloak of invisibility, a moleskin notebook

  7. Froggy--a pair of earplugs so he doesn't have to hear is mother yell "FROGGY"

  8. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Sam I Am... some cooking lessons so he could whip up new concoctions with which to pester others, lol!

    Great list! :-)

  9. Just finished reading King of Attolia for the 3rd time last night.

    For Eugenides: a laptop (a blog of his own might help with some of those multiple-identity and homesickness issues).

    For Attolia: a week alone in a spa.

  10. Harry Potter - a future lasting longer than one year !

  11. For the Little Red Hen -- the King Arthur Baking Companion.

    I've got a link and more gifts for the characters in CASTLE WAITING over at A Year of Reading.

    Mary Lee

  12. Anonymous6:15 PM

    What a fun idea. I'm not so creative, but here are a few ideas:

    For Liesel, a library card;

    For Percy Jackson, a raincoat;

    For Duck and Goose, an ultrasound machine.

    Happy holidays!
