
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

More catching up

So, besides not having time for little things like desk-cleaning, I've also been falling behind in pointing out "the good stuff" out in the world.

Like the new Edge of the Forest! You even get an interview with blogging writer Lisa Yee.

I'm also exceedingly happy to point you all over to the Class of 2K7 blog. Over thereabouts, besides answering many other great questions, the Class has taken a crack at my "Why Write For Kids" query. (Yeah, I know. I'm not the only one who's ever asked that).

Here's Part One of the FIVE PARTS! If you click Next Entry at the top o' that post, you'll get the other responses, too. It's goooooooooood stuff. (And again, the Class blog is good reading well beyond these five answers. There be some mighty fine writers over there... which is really no shock when you think about it.)

Now I'm off to FuseNumber8 for what I suspect will be a heap o' time to catch up on all the stuff I must catch up on.

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