
Monday, November 27, 2006

Back, rested, and that means...

It's time to clean my office!

Yes, really. I mean it this time. Not the procrastinatorial cleaning of yore. Oh no, this is the spring cleaning that never was. If any of you out there need some recyclable material, I'm telling ya to come on over and take the detritus away with ya.

Other than that, what does the near term hold here in GottaBook land? I'm excited about the Oddaptation I'll be putting up in December. I hope to have some time to write some poems just for the heck of it. I'm already thinking about ways to fix my first draft (though not regretting sending it off, either). I will also be diving headlong into library projects which I suspect will yield some fun stories. First up, however, solve the car dilemna, answer a near-week's worth of email, and keep trying to stay relaxed.

And now I gotta book -- there's piles of paper here that need to be given a good talking to.


  1. Cleaning the office counts as writing. Really.

  2. As soon as your done - can you come over and clean mine? I'll provide the coffee!

