
Sunday, October 01, 2006

262,800 minutes

How do you measure a half year of Fibs? In blog posts? In comments? In midnights? In cups of coffee?

Faint attempts at ripping off Rent aside, I actually did spend some time today thinking about all that's transpired since I blogged about The Fib on April 1. And in short, even though I can't measure the half year, I can say it's been a combination of wonderful, astonishing, totally humbling, and pretty damn awesome... and so often in unexpected ways.

The most surprising and happy ways definitely have come about due to many of you who are reading this right now. Yes, I'm talking about relationships forged in cyberspace, built through links and blogs and emails, zigging and zagging cross-country and sometimes over oceans and through language barriers. So many of you have helped spread Fibbishness, and I appreciate that, but I'm just as grateful about how many of you have stuck around and brightened the blogging days around these parts.

And so here at the half-Fib-year mark, once again I want to thank you all for your support, friendship, links, jokes, comments, ideas... you name it.

Now it's late, and I gotta book, but I'm already looking forward to seeing where we all are another six months hence. And tomorrow, I'll start measuring... with cup of coffee number one!


  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Six months gone...
    thousands of minutes...
    the next will even be nicer!!

    Good job, GK...

  2. I hope the next six months will give me some more time for blogs, reading and writing :). It's been a busy summer and fall in real life, first outdoors and away from the computer, and then back to homeschooling and still away from the computer. It's nice to know that you're always here with something fun to read!

  3. Hooray and happy 6 months!

  4. How is it possible, Greg, you wrote a blog post to Rent the very same day I watched the movie version and got all those songs re-stuck in my head??

    Doo doo Doo doo . . .

    Seasons of

  5. Congratulations on a very Merry Unbirthday.

    May you fib for many months, nay even years, more.
