
Friday, September 22, 2006

Plans? Who needs 'em?!

Yes, well, these days I keep making plans then watching as they oft gang a-gley. But aha! There I go making a Robert Burns reference, thus slyly participating in Poetry Friday and thus fulfilling one of the plans that done did go ganging a-gleyly. Sorta. Maybe.

Huh. I guess I'm better off directing you to Kelly's great summary of folks who truly participated in this current Poetry Friday. Good. Go there. I'll be waiting for you when you come back.

Back so soon? Well, then, I'm gonna send you away again. One of the great things about the kidlitosphere for me, particularly in my volunteer elementary school librarian guise, is that soooooo many folks in these kidlit-cyberparts review books and talk books and basically give folks like me a wonderful bluffing knowledge of what's current and hot and great and unknown. Basically, I mooch. And Mother Reader has given a great resource for folks like me OR for anyone interested in the Top Picks of 2006 (so far). This isn't just Mother Reader's choices. Noooo. It's her compilation of picks from a veritable who's who of the kidlitosphere.

What a great list! I want to read so many of those books (and have actually READ some of those books!) So, if you're interested in seeing the best of the best from picture book up through YA, once again I say go here.

1 comment:

  1. I also want to read so many of those books. There are so many I haven't gotten to yet (or heard of yet), giving me my longest to-read list ever!

    Thanks for the link.
