
Thursday, September 21, 2006

GottaBook Xtreme!

Today marks the seven month anniversary of my very first post here on GottaBook. In the blogosphere, I believe that's the oh-so-ironically named "paper anniversary," but I'll admit my Emily Post doesn't tell me for certain. Still, while it's not really an important anniversary, I was thinking that maybe it should serve as an excuse to re-invent myself as GottaBook Xtreme!

I am inspired to do this since my encounter with the new Tickle Me Elmo doll. It's the TMX model, with the X either standing for 10 (as in anniversary) or standing for Xtreme. Watch the video and judge for yourself: a good Tickle Me Elmo X vid (with a bonus dog!).

Boy... that's kinda like a toy version of a weird-ass picture book, don't you think?

Anyway, despite loving the name GBX, the problem is I'm having trouble figuring out how this re-invention du blog would look.

Would it involve epic original poems instead of little ditties like, say, this one?

Maybe Fibonacci poems that have 89 syllable lines?

Hidden "tickle spots" on the blog that would cause extreme reactions (and likely make Blogger stop working in some form or function)?

Do I post WITHOUT having any coffee???

I am unsure. Maybe I should simply focus on writing things that get a TMX type reaction from readers. That wouldn't be so bad.

I will continue to ponder, but for now, it's late, and I gotta book (extremely fast).


  1. Happy Anniversary - and NEVER post without coffee. Even Elmo digs his triple espresso!


  2. Happy Anniversary!!! When you started seven months ago, could you have imagined all that's happened to you because of this blog?

    Here's to another seven months! And then I'll wish you another seven...and another...and another...

    - Jay

  3. ...but then I'll probably stop.

    - Jay

    Good luck with GBX!
