
Sunday, August 06, 2006

Blogging the SCBWI Summer Conference (pt. 5)

Well, we're waiting for dessert here at the Golden Kite luncheon.,. and by we I mean about 800 of us, but more specifically, at my table, I'm talking fellow bloggers The Disco Mermaids (again, co-winners of the costume contest at the big party) and Don Tate. So what else should we do but pull out a laptop and have a little group blog love! We're also gonna introduce a few new folks to the wonderful world of blogging. What will happen? I don't know!!!!

From Don Tate: Hot Man of Children's literature ( I forget which one): Hello to all of you in kid-lit land. Wish you were here. Knew I couldn't make it a full four days with out blogging.

Maria P.J. having a group blog blast here

This party is so hot that I keep meeting party crashers! 'Nuff said. --Rita Crayon Huang

This is so cool... I mean, really COOL. It's freezing in here. Note to self, bring a sweater next time!!! --Monique Ruiz

If this table could talk, it would definitely say, "What a wild lunching group." Thank you for letting me join you. Dorrie Newton

It's DiscoMermaid Evie here...great people, lots o' alcohol and Jay in drag. Doesn't get any better than this! God, I love this conference!!! Bloggy Peace to y'all.

DiscoMermaid Jay: This is like a BlogWarp, Greg. I'm freakin' out, man! I can't believe how much fun this weekend has been. Getting to hang with fellow bloggers like Greg and Don, and non-(but maybe future-)bloggers. Okay, I gotta go, some guy's trying to take my dessert away and I've gotta fork with his name on it...

DiscoMermaid Robin: Wow! Group blogging! It's like hot tubbing with your closest friends...only less wet and more sober.

Let me just say one word to sum up this wonderful experience...Tacone. And yes, it is what you're thinking--a taco in a cone!!!! And that's what we are all hungrily eating at the Golden Kite Luncheon (just kidding--it's chicken). Seriously, this has been the ultimate party! What a blast!--Leslie Muir

And I'm back. I'd note that the last comment is from someone who I'd only known from online. Leslie's in my fantastic online critique group and won an SCBWI Grant which she used to come out here for her first Summer Conference.

I think what you see is that the Conference is great fun, besides being a remarkable place to learn, talk craft, admire amazing talent, and drink really horrible coffee.

You also didn't notice a long lapse here, but we have taken breaks for awards. Last up was the fantastically talented (and nice) David LaRochelle who delivered a touching and funny speech as he accepted his Sid Fleishman Humor Award for Absolutely Postively Not. What a treat to be here and see him get that richly deserved honor.

More awards coming up, so I gotta book.

1 comment:

  1. Fun to read all the comments.

    Do I remember right? Wasn't there a Tacone place in Century City? I worked across the street from the mall about 9 years ago, so if that Tacone place is still there, more power to 'em.

    Hey, if I tell you where my old employers are, do you guys want to take the costume contest over there and strike the fear of childrens-lit writers in them?
