
Saturday, August 05, 2006

Blogging the SCBWI Summer Conference (pt. 4)

Ya know, it's just... it's like... it's not like starstruck or anything, but I am up in the lobby here, about to go to the art exhibit (where, in years past, I've said "holy smokes, I am surrounded by people who can draw like nobody's business. My stick figures don't even look like stick figures.") and everywhere I look there are folks whose names I recognize cuz they write or edit or illustrate books I think are extraordinary. And you can talk to them, even.

Ya, I know. Helpful to folks who aren't here. But the point is that there's little else I can do to convey that aspect of the Conference. It's really what makes this such a singular event, I think.

The big topic of conversation here, of course, is "what will the Disco Mermaids wear to the big party tonight. Now, if they weren't charming, funny, and talented, no one would likely care as much. But they I'm not joking when I say that folks are curious.

Also, since Fuse #8 and Mother Reader have shared Mo Willems moments, I feel that I have to share mine. In a (great) session on picturebooks, he actually singled me out. Yes, he did. To hold up something. Not of mine, of course, but hey... I was INVOLVED, I tell ya!

Art to see, a party to attend, so clearly I gotta book. More tomorrow, including a report on the "Why Bother to Blog" panel.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Sounds wonderful!
    Wish I were there instead of here.
