
Thursday, July 27, 2006

A volt to the system...

Yup, at 2:30 this morning, power was restored in GottaLand. A very tired but hard working crew climbed a power pole, did some... stuff... and voila! I'm pleased to say only two lights came on and no appliances started up, though there was a raft of blinking clocks (whose re-setting was left til later in the morning).

Also today, there was more library packing, though some VERY hardworking and efficient fellow volunteers had already done the bulk of it. We're finding boxes hidden in crannies and nooks that have required attention (and some headscratching). We rediscovered my favorite book that ended up accidentally on our shelves: The Same Phrase Describes My Marriage and My Breasts : Before the Kids, They Used to Be Such a Cute Couple.... Yes, we found it before a first grader (or worse, a parent!) did. I think it's the cute font that let it sneak on the shelves.

The library was so hot that I didn't read a single book, and that's good, I suppose, in terms of time management. But the heat also made me less inclined to weed books I really probably shoulda. I think, having spent a year gathering 10,000 books, we're having real parting issues. Seriously, I think I'd get over it with central air, but as it stands, I couldn't get rid of a copy of The Search for Delicious Icy Coldness no matter how hard I tried....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    "Daylight savings means that on one Sunday, when it's 7:30 A.M., you still have something like 80 more hours until they go to bed."

    That line, alone, from the book you culled today, Greg, almost makes me want to pay to have you ship it to me up in Canada!
