
Saturday, July 29, 2006

Moving right along...

With only 6 days left before the SCBWI Summer Conference, I wanted to encourage any GottaBook readers who are attending to make sure you find me and say "hi." Or say something different than "hi." There's no requirements here....

On this end, the question remains how much I can get done before next Friday, both in terms of work AND, of course, cleaning of my desk. The heat has broken (some) thus taking away my last great excuse for procrastination. Yes, we do move the library this week, but the packing is all done, and unpacking will be a longer process. Mind you, I'm not saying I'll write all 14 of the Fabulous Fibs between now and then... but being somewhat Fibbish would let me have far more fun at the Conference.

Hey... I wonder if the hotel has wireless? How many bloggers are gonna be there? And how many bloggers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Too many questions. Clearly time to clean the desk....


  1. "how many bloggers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" Not sure but I've got a link to the answer somewhere.

  2. Have a great time at SCBWI. I went to the New York one this year, so I won't be going. Doesn't mean I'm not jealous . . .

  3. Great meeting you. Again. And again. (Since we've met twice before. Possibly even more.)

    See you at SCBWI Nationals!
