
Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Style Invitational Fibs!

There's been a lot of great Fibbery posted on my blog (check those links to the right, or just go to The Fib, Fibs are Fab, or More Fibbery for the largest concentration of Fibbing). Yes, lots of great Fibs. But I'm utterly amused by the Fibs posted in The Washington Post Style Invitational. Looks like 35+ Fibs posted there -- with the contest requiring two lines that rhyme as well as a subject that was in the news. There are some great ones all through (including a children's literature related one that cracked me up). Here's the first runner up followed by the "winner," but I strongly urge you all to click the above link and read 'em all.

Shows us:
Tony's in,
John may take a hike:
Proves no two Snow flacks are alike.

(Ira Allen, Bethesda)

PM comes,
You meekly kowtow.
'Cause Dubya, Hu's your daddy now.

(Brendan Beary, Great Mills)

Tip o' the hat to GottaBook reader David for his Honorable Mention Fib in the Invitational. That and his other entries are posted on his blog. Any other readers who have their entries posted on their blogs, please let me know!

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