
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

other updates

Which do you want first? Hmmm. I'll give you the meatier one:

School Library Journal has a nice, balanced article on the Patricia Polacco/McGraw Hill stuff.

Publisher's Weekly has the story of a book sold by blog-word of mouth.

(Tip o' my hat to Fuse #8 for both those.)

But there's no one but me to blame for eating up all your free time by telling you that Babble has been upgraded, making it easier, I think, to obsessively spend time finding alllllll the words. Oh, goodie!


  1. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I curse you for introducing me to Babble. I did not DID NOT need any help procrastinating, thank you very much. :-)

    I should be spending my time writing my next book or at least writing Fibs but, sigh, I am, alas, addicted to Babble which at least is better on my wrists than Tetris.

    Susan Taylor Brown

  2. Babble is simply a great game, unfortunately. I broke the biggest addiction by doing a couple complete boards so now I don't NEED to do that, since I proved to myself I could. But it's sure easy to spend more time than expected there. And like you, it's my biggest game-vice since Tetris.

  3. Thanks, SRA/McGraw-Hill for taking the time to come here. I have a follow-up question for you posted in my blog right here.

    Thank you for trying to set the record straight, but I would love further clarification.

  4. Now it's Tuesday the 17th, and despite many requests, no comment. On the plus side, Patricia Polacco has posted more on her site.

    There's a link and highlights in my post right here
