
Thursday, May 11, 2006

All the news that's Fib, I'll print

You'd think I'd've used that headline on the day Fibs were in the (wildly gratuitiously relinked!!!!!) New York Times. But no. I didn't think of it.

It comes to mind now, not so much for actual NEWS, per se, but because I note that the Knitting Curmudgeon says she'll be posting the entries to her Fib contest this weekend (including one of mine, I must add). Also, the What Is contest will announce winners on the 19th, and the Style Invitational has been closed for a week with winners to be printed sooooooon. I'll be sure to post all the links, and maybe even add 'em to the collection of Fib links over to the right on the blog. And one never knows what other Fibbery will appear. Maybe Tom Hanks will decide to Fib while promoting the DaVinci Code.... Hey, it COULD happen! I'd hold my breath, but instead I gotta book and go read-aloud for spell. Much better than breath holding....


  1. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Hmmm ... the Knitting Curdmudgeon said she'd be posting more entries LAST Saturday. Dunno, maybe she's forgot.

  2. Nope. She didn't forget. As she says on her blog, she got busy. Whenever I see a long gap in posting on a blog, I figure real life has intruded. That's the case there.

  3. Of course, you, Greg, could write a DaVinci Code movie fib, and then maybe it would get gratuitously linked in the tidal wave of publicity that's no doubt coming : )

    (speaking of busy, haven't been able to read other blogs much...)
