
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Fibs, and that's the truth.

I continue to be thrilled with the way Fibs have spread and keep popping up (like here in French or via some quirky folks) But I'd be remiss if I didn't thank the first batch of folks who clicked in (beyond friends, family, and devoted GottaBookians, of course). Who was that? Folks with an interest in the world of children's literature.

From the Third Carnival of Children's Literature (hosted by Sherry at Semicolon) came a slew of folks who took Fibbery with them or left some here. So just a few "thank you" notes to...

Chris Barton at Bartography who, though he hasn't Fibbed on his site wrote a ver early fib here on mine.

Jen Robinson who fibbed here on the first Fib post.

Susan at Chicken Spaghetti who did a variation on the classic Fib for Poetry Friday.

Kelly at Big A little a has kindly linked me and can be found in comments on my blog.

Over at Farm School you'll find Fibs written by -- gasp -- kids!

And A Fuse #8 Production who hasn't Fibbed, but coincidentally linked me during Fib time and set many off on true Fibbery.

Finally, I appreciate the very nice note I got from Sonya Sones, a wonderful poet... though I'm hoping she'll drop by and tell us a Fib.

There are many others to thank (a list that grows daily (like Don Tate who Fibbed 4/12!)) and there are other bloggers over in my list to the right who have linked/mailed/what-have you, and it is appreciated. Since I started blogging largely to connect with others with the same passion for children's literature I have, it's very gratifying to me to have found others as interested in sharing that passion. And, of course, sharing Fibs!


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    A few minutes ago I googled "fibs fibonacci poetry" and received ~15,800 hits. The first 10 pages or so really did seem to refer to Greg's art form.

    This is a great example of how a meme can explode on the net. It would be great to try to figure out the growth curve of fibs. Two weeks ago there were none. Are they multiplying like rabbits? Faster, I think!

  2. Thanks for the shout-out, Greg. The kids will be thrilled. Who knows, maybe they'll become famous published poets, and in interviews they'll credit the Fib for starting them off properly : )

    Hey, it could happen...

  3. Thx for the link Greg.

    Longue vie aux fibs, dans toutes les langues.

  4. Anonymous5:02 PM

    you've created something that's so much fun! Thank you for the Fib--and thank you for the link.
