
Friday, April 27, 2018

Hold On Now... - a phone poem

Hold On Now...
Greg Pincus

I'm waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting.
The hold music stops, and I'm anticipating...
Oh no! The recording of updates and news
Starts playing again, and I'm starting to snooze.
Then back to the music that's spooky and droning -
I swear the composer was aiming for moaning.
I just have five questions! It's like they don't care.
I'm thinking I might have to rise from my chair
And find them in person. It makes me a wreck.
Life sure is harder since Mom went high tech.

Oh, sure... this might be as much for a parent as child... or might've been written entirely while on hold with an unnamed company. I'm not saying anything, I tell ya! But whatever... it's here and now it's yours to decide about.

And hey, it's Poetry Friday! The fantabulous Irene Latham is hosting this week's roundup, so you should head on over and see all the poetry goodies in the blogosphere here on the last Friday of National Poetry Month.

Oh, and if you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. HA! Love it! I bet my mother would've loved a magic hold button to pause my millions of questions. ;-)

  2. Oh, man, I've been on that phone call before. :) Thank you, Greg! Happy Poetry Friday! :)

  3. I felt this very frustration earlier in the week when I was on the phone waiting for a customer service rep to pick up for over 20 minutes! Love this poem. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I'm glad you channeled your frustration into an entertaining poem!

  5. Fun poem Greg, those long waits are best left on speaker phone while doing something else.

  6. I was there with you gnashing my teeth in frustration, and then loved that twist at the end and had to laugh. Thank you.

  7. You always stick your endings! Fun, fun, fun!

    (Good to see you back!)

  8. Oh, I've been through that so many times. So frustrating, and your poem perfectly captures that. It also made me smile.
