
Friday, January 27, 2017

Poetry Re-Issue: The Crayola Caper

Greg Pincus

There’s crayon on the tabletop.
There’s crayon on the floor.
The baby got my crayon box
And drew and drew some more.
The house is full of colors now,
Each wall and every door.
Let me look more closely. Yep...
He used all 64.

This poem was first published back here in 2006 (!!!), so I'm thinking it's probably new to most of you. I've been doing some blog maintenance and re-reading some older posts... and I gotta say, I look forward to dusting off some more this year. None of the others, however, will make you think of burnt sienna (or that's my guess!).

This week's Poetry Friday roundup is over at Beyond LiteracyLink. You oughta check it out, cuz, like, poetry is a good thing!

Also, if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Cornflower!
    Oh, how I do love crayon names...
    Thank you for the giggle this morning, Greg.
    Happy dusting!

  2. Oh my! Cornflower was always my favorite. This poem is such fun. Happy Poetry Friday!

  3. Love that you are dusting off your poems, Greg, and that you found this one in your "colored" past. Thanks for the smile! =)

  4. That is a funny one. What a thorough child. Reminds me of my daughter. :-)

  5. Great coloring story poem!
    Poetry Friday link corrected:

  6. Love it! I've done crafts with small children and....yes, anything that sits still for more than a minute will probably end up with colour all over it, children just have a natural talent for spreading colour! :-)

  7. I begged and begged for the 64 crayon box when I was seven. Oh, my mother wouldn't give in. I made sure to buy the big boxes for my kids.....and we ended up with so many crayons after four kids went through elementary school I turned those crayons I found ALL OVER my house (Mom did know a thing or two) into hearts for the teachers. Love the poem.....and gee...did you see how that brought back a memory? Nice. Bravo to you!

  8. There is nothing nicer than a box of 64, but it's good to keep them up high when a two-year-old is around! We all have stories, and your poem collected them beautifully. Glad you re-shared!

  9. Periwinkle blue struck me as a great name, Greg. Your 64 crayons were surely busy. Thanks for the delightful poem.

  10. What a fun poem to dust off. Thank you! Now, how do I get a job coming up with names for crayon colors?

  11. This reminds me of my children's "wall murals". There is nothing like a new box of 64!

  12. Delightful, Greg! Who doesn't love a new box of 64. Couldn't help but think of one of my favorites -- The Art Lesson by Tomie dePaola.

  13. Thanks for the smile Greg. It made me yearn for a brand new box of 64 - not that I'd let my grandbabies near them :)

  14. Ha! We gave our children dedicated space for coloring/drawing/painting -- inside their closets. :) Those are mural scrapbooks at this point... and yes, pretty sure all 64. :) Thank you for your poem, Greg!

  15. Thank you for your happy post, Greg!I always loved orange/red or was it red/orange?

  16. Thanks, y'all. May there be cornflower and burnt sienna and all the burnt umber we want or need in our collective futures!
