
Friday, April 22, 2016

J. Patrick Lewis - Questions To Ask The World

It's Earth Day. It's Poetry Friday. And I'm the lucky guy who gets a guest poem from J. Patrick Lewis!

                        Questions To Ask The World
                                                    (Earth Day, April 22)
                        Earth, if you get bumped by Moon,
                        Will it burst our blue balloon?

                        Sun, if you and Moon collide,
                        Who will turn the evening tide?

                        Moon, when you eclipse the Sun,
                        How can Noon have any fun?

                        Sky, if Rainbow paints the air . . .,
                        Multi-colored Thunderwear?

                        Rain, when showers thin to mist,
                        How will Thunder shake his fist?

                        Ocean, if you turn to salt,
                        Will you say the Sun’s at fault?

                        Ocean, will you ever roar,
                        What was all this beauty for?

                        Sky, when you unbucket Snow,
                        Is it time for mistletoe?
                        Snow, when you are falling hard,
                        May I angel-wing the yard?

                        Dark, when you turn off the Day,
                        I am sleepy anyway.

                        Night, if you cry, Go ahead,
                        Will Moon tuck me into bed?

                        Cloud, if you begin to weep,
                        Will Night rock me back to sleep?

© J. Patrick Lewis. All rights reserved.

I may be off by one or two, but I think this is the eighth poem I've had the opportunity to share here from former Children's Poet Laureate J. Patrick Lewis. It brings me joy, I gotta say. I've also written poems inspired by new forms he's played with (careerhymes and zenos come to mind) so he's truly all over this blog, and it's a wonderful thing. He's truly a remarkable wordsmith, and while I could never pick only one of his books to recommend... today I'll just give you the cover of World Rat Day, a collection of poems of his about holidays you didn't even know about. Hey, it ties into Earth Day a little, yes? Yes!

Today is also Poetry Friday, and Jama has the roundup available over at Jama's Alphabet Soup. Check it out for all sorts of Poetry Month joy. And desserts! It's a win-win, I tell you. And as always, thanks for hanging out here, too....


  1. "Multi-colored Thunderwear"! Great questions. This could make a terrific mentor poem.

  2. Love this, the playful + the profound, the wonderment. Is this one going to be in his new book?

  3. Only Pat could successfully weave philosophy, humor, and wordplay so successfully!!

  4. Kaileigh Corey4:33 PM

    Wow Greg! What an awesome idea and creative way to implement not only poetry but literature in the classroom! Implementing literature in early childhood education has many benefits and provides children with strong academic skills. What children inherit from literacy is essential to their future educational success. The promotion of literacy enhances children’s learning and their learning experiences in all developmental domains. Literacy is not just the use of books, there are skill sets that children need to have that are developed through the different elements of literacy. Through literacy children learn communication skills, culture, listening and evaluation skills, problem solving skills and so much more! It is so incredibly important that as professionals we develop effective teaching strategies to best teach these skills. By creating encouraging and engaging lesson plans and curriculum, we can help set the foundation for children to have a bright academic future.
    Thanks again for sharing Greg! 30 days of poetry will definitely be implemented in my next years curriculum for poetry month!

  5. You can never go wrong with having a poem by "The Chameleon of Children's Poetry" J. Patrick Lewis. That man sees the world in a such a unique way. He's had a major impact on my writing and reading. Thanks for highlighting him. LEWIS POWER and PINCUS POWER!
