
Friday, August 14, 2015

The Shared Lament of Students and Teachers on the Passing of Time - a back to school poem

The Shared Lament of Students and Teachers on the Passing of Time
Greg Pincus

It's the end of summer.

(For those of you for whom this sentiment and/or the season do not apply, my apologies.)

It's Poetry Friday, even as the summer dwindles away, and you can find this week's roundup of posts over at My Juicy Little Universe (where Heidi, too, has a poetic commentary about summer and school).

And if you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Hi, Greg--

    Nice to have you with us again! This reminds me of my favorite micropoem, Paul Janeczko's

    Ice Cream Cone in August


    Your poem is the SparkNotes of mine. Heeheehee and hohoho!

    (The verification tool is asking me to click all the images with ice cream!)

  2. I'm seeing a lot of poems about the end of summer. I love it. The opposite of summer is bummer. :)

  3. Love your short and to the point poem, Greg. No question on where you stand on the issue of summer ending. =)

  4. It's not summer here, Greg, but your poem made me smile. Clever!

  5. What Heidi said! SparkNotes, indeed!

  6. Sharing this one with our middle schoolers next week! Thank you!

  7. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Hi Greg,

    This is going to sound very strange, but I'm a twenty-something who adores the film you wrote the screenplay for, Alley Cats Strike. I found out through IMDB that you were the mind behind the masterpiece! Just wanted to say thanks -- I've enjoyed that movie for years :)

  8. Hi, Anonymous - it doesn't sound strange, really, since I'm also a big fan of Alley Cats Strike :-) Seriously - thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it!
