
Friday, May 29, 2015

Three End of the School Year (or Summer Vacation) Poems

Happy Poetry Friday... and happy "school is almost over!!!!"

I figured it was the right time of year to link to the three end-of-the-school-year type of poems I've written and posted here. And just for fun... I'm including the first couple lines or so of each. Just click on the titles to see the whole poems.

(And if you're already done for the year or not dealing with school anymore, well, just try to enjoy 'em anyway, I say to you. And don't gloat!)

Hello, Summer!

Goodbye, classroom!
Goodbye, Teach!
You can find me at the beach...
Or in the park or at the pool
Or any place that isn’t school.

Counting Down (Always)

Counting down
Time goes slow...
Six long days of school to go.

It's June (And I Am Still In School)

I’ll tell you something most uncool –
It’s June… and I am still in school.

Not enough poetry? Too much? The wrong poems? Why not go check out the Poetry Friday roundup this week, hosted over at Reflections on the Teche.

And  if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Me and Sasquatch (No Fib!)

I'm honored, excited, pleased, and many other adjectives to learn that The 14 Fibs of Gregory K. is a nominee for the 2015-16 Sasquatch Award, courtesy of the Washington Library Media Association!

Being recognized by librarians totally rocks... and to find myself alongside these other authors and their books? Flattering beyond words. I mean seriously... check these out (image of the covers put together by Librarian Arika (on whose blog I first saw the news)):

Yes, honored indeed. And to know that kids will be exploring our books (in order to vote for a winner) is rather incredible gravy. Because really, at the end of the day, I think I can speak for all the authors and librarians involved in this or any similar award: kids + stories = win!